Sabancı University Nanotechnology Application Center
How might we design a space that can be a catalyst to engage scientists?
The design problem identified and questioned was based on the fact that laboratory workers at Sabancı University do not go outside their own areas and have few interaction spaces. Based on this inference, the team conducted field analyses and observations. With the resulting data, ATÖLYE Architecture aimed to increase the communication between the Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and
Application Center Workspace and the researchers on campus and strengthen their ties with the industry through spatial interventions. The spatial interventions were articulated in harmony with the design ideas of the building. The design team developed the principle that the interventions should be clear and legible in line with the scales of the existing space.
Project Team
Aydan Serbest, Efe İlteray, Elif Karaköse, Merve Demir, Nesile Yalçın, Özlem Yılmaz
Community & Partners
Yerçekim (Media), Can Görgün (Visualization)
Year & Location
2019, Istanbul (TR)
Sabancı University
Interior Design, Furniture Design